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30.aug.2014a. ''Retro Jurmala''

Postitatud: 01 August R, 2014 01:42
Postitas aksel73
30.aug.2014a. ''Retro Jurmala''

30.aug.2014a. ''Retro Jurmala''


Classic automobile parade ''Retro Jurmala''

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Each year at the end of August, Jurmala hosts a get-together for antique cars and a motorcade through the city. The event also features a car agility contest.
Every August, the Latvian coastal resort city of Jurmala is full of classic automobiles, when the "Retro Jurmala 2014" antique automobile show rolls into town. Approximately 200 participants from such countries as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Germany and Scandinavia participate in the car show each year.

2014-08-30 11:30
Place: Jurmala
Homepage: http://www.dzk.lv


Re: 30.aug.2014a. ''Retro Jurmala''

Postitatud: 28 August N, 2014 01:19
Postitas aksel73

Esialgne info ürituse kohta Māriselt.

Üritus toimub ja sel aastal peaksid autod taaskord pääsema ka randa ja Jomas ielale.

* juht 35 EUR
* iga järgnev autos olev nägu 40 EUR

Ööbimine samas, kus eelmisel aastal ehk siis Bulduru Darzkopibas Vidusskola (põllumajandustehnikumi) ühiselamus aadressil Viestura iela 6, Jurmala. Voodikoht 6 EUR.
Öömaja pakutakse juba ka reede õhtul.

Tervitustega Allan.